Race Day Weather Forecast

13 March 2023

2023 Port to Pub: Race Day Weather Forecast

Remember to use the Port to Pub route optimisation tool to plot your most efficient course to Rottnest Island. The tool takes into account factors including weather conditions, ocean currents, and swimmer speed.

Watch the route optimisation webinar from Thursday, 16 March to learn more about the tool and how to use it.

Uploading your GPX file into the Port to Pub app:

  1. Open the Port to Pub mobile phone app and navigate to the “Routes” icon.
  2. In the top corner, select “Custom Route.” (If this does not show, you may need to reinstall the app as this is a new feature.)
  3. Select the GPX file in your files.
  4. Your route should now show in the list of routes. If you select it, it will show on the map.

Access the Port to Pub route optimisation tool here.